Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Well I managed to finish despite not having enough time in work. Again, all very enjoyable as I love learning about new technology and new ways to share ideas. The least impressive for me was FeedMyInbox as I don't personally feel the need for RSS feeds, although I recognise their use for other people. My favourite was definitely SlideShare as it was so easy to use and there were so many great presentations on there. Tastespotting was fun and enCompass Culture is also something I'll use again. File sharing is very useful and Box was worthwhile. PicApp must be a godsend for more dedicated bloggers. Looking forward to the next one!!

EnCompassCulture - the global bookclub

An interesting site and easy to use. I had a look at the humorous travel books, a genre I love, and found much to tempt me. I then looked at the books for 12-18 year olds and found the Contemporary classics, which would be very useful in readers' advisory as lots of parents want their children to read 'good books'. However, I was disappointed to see that they only listed seven titles. I then tried Reality for Struggles and Self-Discovery and got a more satisfactory 290 titles. Definitely a site for both staff and customers.

Web 2.0 Tools to Inspire

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Web 2.0 Tools to Inspire
View more presentations from Chrystal Porter.

SlideShare - online presentations

SlideShare is very easy to use. I watched one presentation Web 2.0 Tools to Inspire and was so impressed that I decided to post it to my blog so that I could easily revisit it. I didn't have to register and within two minutes it was on my blog. Wow! I then watched Visual Definitions of Web 2.0 which was also very interesting and finally An introduction to Web 2.0: The User Role which was a short and simplified explanation of Web 2.0. I think this a great site which could be very useful to library staff and is also something we could suggest to customers. It does say that you should get a free account in order to share, but I posted to my blog without doing that.