Monday, May 24, 2010


Twitter is easy to sign up to, but I found it less easy to find people unless you have their username. I signed up with Manukau Libraries and commented on Tosca's Johnny Cash tweet. I failed to find Auckland Libraries but signed up to follow Rodney as well as a few UK libraries and some other book sites. I know my husband is on Twitter - but couldn't find him as his name is quite common. I'm not sure if I'll use Twitter in my personal life, but like blogs, I can see its usefulness in the work situation. Keeping people up to date with happenings at Manukau Libraries in a quick and short format sounds a very good idea. I've checked Twitter a few times since joining up and as a library user I can see its usefulness as the Manukau libraries tweets are very informative.

1 comment:

tosca said...

Oh gosh yes! Twitter can be such a pain in the proverbial to find ppl. Esp if they have common names, esp if they're not tweeting under their real name and most especially if they don't use the email you know them for. EEK ;) So YAY you for persevering!