Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Discovering Web 2.0 tools

When I looked at the list of categories, I was drawn to maps. When I saw Google Earth on the list, I had no difficulty making my choice. I was only surprised that it only came third in its category. I have used this tool a number of times. I have had a look at my own home and my previous house in South Africa. I am soon going to visit friends in Vancouver and have had a look at where they live. I've also checked out the house I grew up in in Wales. I have also used it to look at an area in the city where I have to visit, in order to get a feel for the area. It is also possible to get the street names superimposed on the image. Sometimes I look at a place in Wales and then move to New Zealand - I feel quite dizzy as the world spins before my eyes, especially the huge amount of ocean, before settling here. On a practical level I have just zoomed in on Half Moon Bay Marina and checked that our boat is securely tied up after this awful weather. I've also just had a look at my library and have been trying to see which staff cars were parked there on the day the satellite took the photograph. For the council it's quite easy to check all the swimming pools in the area without leaving the office - I wonder if they do that?! As for library use - it could be used to direct customers to other libraries, to parks, swimming pools, the council offices or anywhere else they want to go - but then a street map does the same thing. I'll have to think about it's practical uses, but in the meantime, it's a lovely toy to play with.
PS - I've just looked at Webmum's blog and I think the cookery demonstrations are a fantastic idea for our website.

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